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Our foodbank is FREE, however it is a referral based service and you will

need to obtain a valid referral before visiting us.

(please note it is not a voucher based service, just a referral via letter or our link)

In certain circumstances we can offer a discretionary food parcel

before/whilst you get a referral (please speak to a member of our team).

To ensure your need is met in a timely manner and with no delays please make sure

you have a referral letter to hand or your referral has been sent to us via our

referral form using the link above from your local professional.

Local professionals who can give you a referral letter or send us a referral include:

  • GP/Receptionist 

  • Schools / Educational Centres

  • Local Councillors

  • Health Visitor / Midwife

  • Mental Health workers

  • Citizens Advice

  • Job Centre / Universal Credit Coach

  • District Nurse

  • Other Charities / NGOs


PLEASE NOTE: Our Collection / Operational days are TUESDAY/WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY If your referral falls outside of these times you will be able to collect a food parcel on one of our operational days.  We may not be able to provide you with a food parcel outside of these days.



0161 375 1630



Visit us:

54 Merseybank Ave,

M21 7NN

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